Territorial Election Commission
of Syrdarya region


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Members of TEC


Nurmatov Anvar Yuldoshovich

Commission Member

Senior Specialist of the Department of Financial Support for Local Government and State Administration Bodies at the Main Department of Economy and Finance of the Syrdarya Region


Zokhidov Jahongir Erkinovich

Commission Member

Head of the Sirdarya Region Justice Department


Khakimov Zafar Tulyaganovich

Chairman of the commission

Born in 1980, graduated from Tashkent University of Information Technologies (full-time) in 2003, Tashkent University of Information Technologies (master's degree) in 2005. Specialization in education - mobile communication systems.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 dated May 29, 2024, he was approved as the chairman of the Regional Election Commission.


Abdusattarov Fakhriddin Abdukakhorovich

Deputy chairman

Born in 1962, graduated from the Republican Institute of Russian Language and Literature in 1988. His specialty is a teacher of Russian language and literature in national schools.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 dated May 29, 2024, he is acting as the deputy chairman of the Regional Election Commission.


Sherboev Jahangir Parmonkulovich

Secretary of the Commission

Born in 1989, higher education, graduated from Gulistan State University in 2012. His specialty is history.


The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been operating as the secretary of the Regional Election Commission based on the decision No. 1333 of May 29, 2024.


Kabulov Alimardon Faizullaevich

Member of the Commission

Born in 1982, graduated in 2009. Tashkent Financial Institute (external), 2004. Graduated from Gulistan State University (full-time). Specialization in education – banking, mathematics.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 dated May 29, 2024, he was approved as the chairman of the Regional Election Commission.


Kudratov Solijon Sulaymonovich

Member of the Commission

Born in 1960, graduated from Tashkent State University in 1983. His specialty is history.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, he was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Sharipova Munajat Yakubzhanovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1984, higher education, graduated from Gulistan State University in 2004. Specialization in education - Romance-Germanic philology.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, she was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Berdimuratov Shakhobiddin Nabijan ugli

Member of the Commission

Born in 1995, higher education, graduated from Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers in 2019. Specialization in education - land surveying and land cadastre.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, he was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Gaforova Tajikhon Abdijabarovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1969, higher education, graduated from Tashkent Medical Academy in 2008, Tashkent Medical Academy in 2010. Specialization in education - organization and management of nursing work.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, she was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Zharbekova Dilfuza Baybekovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1971, higher education, graduated from Gulistan State University in 1995. Specialization in education - Uzbek language and literature.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, she was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Abdusattarova Khurshida Sherali kizi

Member of the Commission

Born in 1997, higher education, graduated from Gulistan State University in 2023. Her specialty is economics.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, she was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Kambarova Dilfuza Yigitalievna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1975, higher education, graduated from Gulistan State University in 2002. Her specialty is economics.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, she was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Nematova Zulfiya Sultanovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1969, higher education, graduated from Gulistan State University in 1994. Her specialty is the teacher of mother tongue and literature.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, she was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Khakulov Faizulla Narzullaevich

Member of the Commission

Born in 1979, graduated from Gulistan State University in 1999. Specialization in education – applied mathematics and informatics.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, he was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Rakhmatova Nazokat Eshbekovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1961, graduated from Gulistan State Pedagogical University in 1994. Her specialty is primary education teacher.


 According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, she was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Gaimnazarov Olimjon Gulmurodovich

Member of the Commission

Born in 1976, higher education, graduated from Khojand State University in 1998. Specialization in education - mathematician, teacher of mathematics.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, he was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Sherbotaeva Gulnora Obidovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1972, higher education, graduated from Tashkent 2nd Medical Institute in 1996. Specialization in education – sanitary hygiene and epidemiology.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, she was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Khidirov Olmosbek Abdurazak ugli

Member of the Commission

Born in 1999, graduated from Gulistan State University (full-time) in 2021, Pannonia University (Hungary) (master's degree) in 2023. His specialty is English language and literature teacher, international relations expert.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, he was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Shukurova Shoira Djamalovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1963, graduated from Syrdarya Pedagogical Institute in 1992. Her specialty is biology teacher.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, she was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.


Esanov Aziz Abdusattarovich

Member of the Commission

Born in 1982, higher education, 2006. He graduated from Gulistan State University. His specialty is history.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of May 29, 2024, he was approved as a member of the Regional Election Commission.